2023/1/12の活動報告 意識を計測する指標/無意識処理/デッドリフト/バーベルスクワット/2023年の目標





最後に、生活と考えたことについてです。まずは、今年の目標を紹介します。⑨週3以上筋トレをする、⑩ベンチ120kg, スクワット150kg, デッド180kgを挙げる、について説明します。これらの目標は筋トレについてです。効率の良い筋トレとけが防止のために、毎日はしない方が良いですが、休み過ぎるのも良くないと思います。私は、規則正しく筋トレのメニューを行うことができません。気分が落ちて何もしたくない、誰にも会いたくない、ときもあります。ですので、曜日を決めるのではなく、メニューをこなしていって、終わったら休みを入れる、そのあと、またメニューをこなす、やりたくないときはやらない、ようにしています。するとだいたい、週3-4になります。また、私は過去の自分よりも重いものをぶち上げたいというモチベーションで筋トレをしています。高重量ができるビッグ3のベンチプレスとスクワット、デッドリフトは、現在から30kgずつくらい、強くしていきます。1月に2.5kgずつですね。そう考えるとがんばれそうです。



Jan. 12, 2023

Hello, my name is Ryoichi. I am a Ph.D. student studying the development of consciousness at Kyoto University in Japan. I am currently staying at Monash University in Australia as a visiting researcher. In this blog, I record my daily research and life. It is structured in three parts: (1) about my research, (2) about muscle training, and (3) about my life and thoughts.

First, about my research. I overslept today, so I worked at McDonald's from 11:00 to 13:00. Yesterday, I received feedback from my co-researcher on my dissertation pre-reg manuscript, so I revised the manuscript. In this issue, I would like to introduce some indicators for studying consciousness. Objective task performance and subjective awareness scales are commonly used to study consciousness. Although recent studies have used both measures without explanation, they were originally used to study unconscious processing. For example, objective task performance can be beyond chance even though it is not subjectively visible. Thus, awareness and action can diverge. We also know that the threshold for subjective awareness is greater than the threshold for objective task performance, and it is gradual, and it rises. Thus, if a stimulus is presented for only a very short time, scores on the subjective awareness scale can be larger than scores on the objective task, and if the stimulus is presented for a long enough time, scores on the objective task can be larger than scores on the subjective awareness scale. I have been working on a paper about this kind of thing. After that, I went to the laboratory from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. I made a program for the experiment for which I am writing a paper. I have already made the experimental tasks, and today I made the instructions and practice trials. Now we just need to combine the overall instructions and the research consent form, and we will be ready to conduct it. We have done the online experiment twice now, so it won't take too long if we refer to the past ones. After that, I attended a lab meeting from 3:30 to 5:00 pm. Today was Google Day, a day for individuals to present something that is not related to their research but is of personal interest to them. I didn't give a presentation, but I was able to say some comments. My English is not very good, but I would like to use it more and more.

Next, I would like to talk about muscle training. Today, I did three sets of 115kg deadlift five times, and three sets of 90kg barbell squat five times. The weight was a little light, but I set a weight I could handle. The barbell squats are full squats. If I stop at the halfway point, I tend to injure my knees and hip joints. I started doing deadlifts with a wide stance. With a wide stance, my right back sometimes hurts as if pulled. I need to warm up well. Since I have finished the whole menu, tomorrow, I will turn off strength training. I know everyone has their own motivation for strength training, but for me, I simply want to hit the heavy stuff. I want to grow as much as possible and be better than I have been in the past.

Finally, I would like to talk about life and my thoughts. First, here are my goals for this year. (ix) Strength train at least three times a week, (x) Bench 120kg, Squat 150kg, Dead 180kg. These goals are about strength training. For efficient strength training and injury prevention, it is best not to do them every day, but too much rest is not good either. I am not able to do a regular strength training menu. Sometimes I feel down and don't want to do anything or see anyone. So, instead of setting a specific day of the week, I do the workout, take a break when I'm done, and then do the workout again. Then, I usually do 3-4 a week. I also train with the motivation of wanting to lift heavier than I have in the past. The big three bench presses, squats, and deadlifts that I can do with higher weights will be about 30kg each from where I am now, and I'll get stronger. 2.5kg each per month. That makes me feel like I can keep up the good work.
